Radio PARALAX - Community Forum
The discussion forum of
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News & Announcements
News, Announcements and improvements to our website, broadcasts or playlists as well as new concepts, program sequences, jingles, polls for new moderators etc. div>- Threads
- 91
- Posts
- 1,320
Regular shows and guest shows will be announced here. In addition, you can discuss about current or past shows, suggest contents for future shows and provide feedback. Our regular broadcast schedule can be found here.- Threads
- 355
- Posts
- 3,913
Artist's corner
You have produced a new song or remix and want to publish or share it with us? - Then this is the place to be. However, please make sure that your production do not contain any copyrighted material and that you have the permission of the original artist before posting here. Please publish musical productions only. For other projects use the forum "Links".- Threads
- 269
- Posts
- 3,469
ModeratorsSuggestions & Other concerns
Special song requests for the 24h playlist or our live shows, greetings, topic suggestions for future shows, legal issues and other concerns about our program can be posted here.- Threads
- 66
- Posts
- 642
All about PC Hardware, accessories, Internet and benchmarks.- Threads
- 47
- Posts
- 662
Moderators -
Retro-Hardware & Accessories
All about Retro-Systems of the 70s, 80s and 90s (Amiga, C64, SNES, Megadrive, etc.) and related hardware extensions.- Threads
- 135
- Posts
- 1,042
Retro-Software & Games
All about Software & Games for retro-systems (Amiga, C64, SNES, Megadrive, etc.)- Threads
- 74
- Posts
- 381
Gaming Room
All about current game consoles & arcades not older than 15 years, e.g. PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, XBox One, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Ouya, etc.- Threads
- 158
- Posts
- 1,506
Trade Press & Literature
All about journals, magazines & books on current and classic systems.- Threads
- 8
- Posts
- 74
Self portrait
Introducing area for all new users. Here you can tell us something about you and your past.- Threads
- 286
- Posts
- 2,564
Here you can post recommended links to relevant or own websites after introducing yourself in the "self portrait" area or at least 2 posts in other forum areas. Please no links to illegal software or websites that violate the german law.- Threads
- 354
- Posts
- 2,214
Garage sales
Private offers and demands, eBay auctions on a non-commercial basis as well as other private purchases and sales can be posted here.- Threads
- 78
- Posts
- 257
The discussion area for everything else. Your topics and posts should not be too private and give reasonably sense.- Threads
- 432
- Posts
- 5,788
Users Online 73
73 Guests - Record: 15 Users ()
Super Moderators
89 Members - 3,041 Threads - 33,029 Posts (4.54 Posts per Day)
Latest Member: Sventevith.