Greetings from Robinson

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  • Greetings from Robinson


    I enjoyed the Plus/4 live broadcast so much that I decided to join th Paralax board.

    Hope you can tolerate my inability to speak German!

    If you have any Japanese questions, I speak that fluently, though. :D :D

    -Robinson Mason
  • Hi Robinson. Thanks for joining here and Welcome.:cheers:

    I hope you will have a nice time with us and our shows.:)

    Remember that all of your post's can be replied in english, even if you want to post something in the german forums. So don't be too shy to ask if you don't understand something and want to discuss with us.;)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by PARALAX ().

  • Hello and welcome here on the radio PARALAX page. I am glad that you've found her here. My English is not so good so I have done with Google Translate. :)
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius
  • If you like, you can also complete your profile with location, messanger and even some induvidual settings like 8 completely diffenert forum styles, time zone, format etc. Every style has his own banners and graphic style in case that you don't like the style. Every function should be in english as well.:)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.
  • Kónnichi wá ! Robinson :D
    Hello and welcome to this Board :cheers:
    I wish you a wonderful time with this community :super:
    Have a nice day and we see us ;)

    Greetings Drakoner