I'm Back.

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  • After a long hiatus and a slight name Change I'm back. :)

    Long story short.. an HD Crash took out a few of my W.I.P projects and as well being busy with work I didnt feel like re-starting.

    Now.. I think its time to return back to the projects.... what are they?? I will reveal them when I have some post work to show.... In mean time sit back and enjoy some Paralax Radio!! :)
  • Hello and welcome back.:cheers:

    Glad too see you here again after a long time. I hope you noted that many things have changed in the maintime, even from my side. And it's still nor perfect...I'm learning.

    Also great having you in the show. I hope, you listen my greet (in very bad english).;)

    If you want, just try out the chat. Amok and CZ-Tunes are also there at the moment.:)

    I hope you have time enough to check out some stuff regularly depending to your time. Have a nice evening...et merci pour écouter notre radio.;)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by PARALAX ().