hello (and about me)

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  • hello (and about me)

    I'm a 23 year old male from Sweden. My songs have been featured on other radios for a time now. Paralax catched me during a show and introduced me to this site.

    I'm a signed artist but I make music that can be downloaded for free and legally as well.

    Well.. about me.. hmm.. likes going out to clubs, making music, hanging out with friends. And yada yada, hope you dont find me too boring :)

    // Kristoffer
  • Hello Kristoffer.:cheers:

    Welcome to the community and many thanks for your track. It will be previewed tonight during the show and next week in our playlist.

    I hope, you're feeling good here and maybe you'll find something interesting for you.

    Du är välkommen!:huhu:

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.
  • Hello and a warm welcome here in the forum and on radio PARALAX I wish you. :)
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius
  • Hello all, I am from Denmark. And my nickname is WolverineDK. So if you happen to see me posting on other fora, then say hi. Since I am too busy at the moment posting here.