Happy New Year!!!

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  • Same for you, thanks!

    Happy new year 2008.:cheers:

    ...and let's hope for more nice releases and shows out there.:)

    Micha and me was in Pulheim (near Cologne) at my parents and we celebrate very calmy before we blow the bombs on the street but I think we're still having some nice stuff for next year.

    I record some of this on my digital recorder. Maybe I will enclose it in my next show on sunday.;)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by PARALAX ().

  • I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year 2008
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius