Hello once again
Let me introduce myself. My name is Yunia and I'm from Russia. I'm a student of Institude of languages and cultures named after Leo Tolstoi. Now I'm on a fifth course of foreign languages' faculty. I'm a linguist - interpreter.
As for my work, I'm Representative of Unofficial Pet Shop Boys Partnership Russia. It is completely enthusiastical work. So I have to work somewhere else to earn some money because I have to pay for the Institute every month.
Well, what can I add?.. Music is my life, I can't exist without it. I desided to go on music journalist courses after Institute. I'm writing articles since 14 years.
Also I collaborate with SAV Entertainment company, which organises concerts and shows of different artists all over the world. Among them Pet Shop Boys.
Besides that, my friends and I make music and remixes too. I'm producer and my friend - composer and singer.
Now I have some difficulties with finding a job. But when I find it, I'll buy accordeon and will be learn to play on it

As for my work, I'm Representative of Unofficial Pet Shop Boys Partnership Russia. It is completely enthusiastical work. So I have to work somewhere else to earn some money because I have to pay for the Institute every month.
Well, what can I add?.. Music is my life, I can't exist without it. I desided to go on music journalist courses after Institute. I'm writing articles since 14 years.
Also I collaborate with SAV Entertainment company, which organises concerts and shows of different artists all over the world. Among them Pet Shop Boys.
Besides that, my friends and I make music and remixes too. I'm producer and my friend - composer and singer.
Now I have some difficulties with finding a job. But when I find it, I'll buy accordeon and will be learn to play on it