hello ppl!

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  • Hi there!

    Finally I got some time to put a word or two here! These exams and administration are killing me... Anyway, after a kind invitation from Parallax I joined here but unfortunately can't understand German too well. Hope I'll learn a couple of words from you guys, since I'll need it for my Deutsch class! :lesen: :D

    Ok. Some info about me. I'm 23 years old, studying informatics at a Polytechnical Engineering College and I love music and the C64! :)
    Been visiting a couple of demoscene parties and had fun meeting other famous sceners. Looking forward to Breakpoint'08! Yaay! (if I get a visa) :D
    I'm really not much of a talker/writer especially when I have to write about myself so I think I'm gonna end it here. :P

  • Hello and Welcome. Great to see you here.:cheers:

    Your tracks are awesome, even those you've released this year. I hope, you will listen some of them in one of our radio shows when we will preview the "Megamix Vol. 3" soon.:)

    Feel free to preview your latest and fortcoming tracks in our "Künstlerecke" where you also will find some of our very best exclusive tracks from CZ-Tunes.
    Thank you very much for registering. I hope you find some interesting stuff here and if you need help for translations, please let me know or ask inside the tread.

    You even will get an english answer.;)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.
  • Hey Dafunk. Cool. nice to meet you here.
    Welcome to Radio Paralax.
    Sorry about my bad english. I hope you will understand my broken english words. ;)
    Your tunes are really great.

    nice greets CZ-Tunes
    Was ist das? Blaues Licht! Und was macht es? Es leuchtet blau!

  • Hello and wellcome Dafunk in the paralax forum.
    Nice you are here in the retroforum. (Oh gott mein englisch)

    You are my favorite retro dj in the world.

    I hope you make very much more nice retro songs for us ( ich weiss mein englisch ist so kacke.....sorrry for my english ;) )

    Greetings from Berlin--Germany
  • A cordial welcome also of me and much fun in the forum and Web radio:)
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius
  • HI dafunk,

    a big hello from me too and welcome to our board. I hope you'll enjoy it here and to listen to a new remix by you very soon.

    (... mein Englisch war auch schonmal frischer...)
  • Hello everybody! :) I'm so glad to be here in this forum! These are my first steps in the way of communication in English! :cheers: Sometimes I may make a mistake because I don't speak English as well as I understand :rolleyes: I hope you'll understand most of my replies :ui:
  • Welcome, Yunia.:cheers:

    Glad to see you here. How is the weather in Moscow? I hope you enjoy this community as well as our radio program. Don't be shy to ask or post what you're having on your soul.:)

    Enjoy and Greetings to:

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by PARALAX ().

  • A warm welcome from myself and have fun here in the forum and chat

    In the former GDR, the Russians were our friends ... :D
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius
  • Simply download Winamp from winamp.com

    Alternatively you may use The Windows Media Player or Real One / Real Alternative player but I recommend Winamp for a correct song display.

    Once you have installed Winamp, you simply click on the "Click to tune in" button in the forum below the PN Box. Winamp should open and start the stream automatically, if not open it manually by choosing "open with Winamp", e.g. with Firefox.

    You also can tune in directly with DSL or ISDN connection (only DSL at the moment) from your main page: radio-paralax.de/index1.html

    If you still have problems listening our station, check your firewall settings and try to disable the "hidden IP" (magic hood) function.

    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by PARALAX ().