Hello from Slovenia!

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  • Hello from Slovenia!

    Hi !

    I am from Slovenia (probably not that many of us on this board). Just wanted to say that the first remix was fabolous and the second one is starting to get into my head too. GREAT WORK !
    When not listening to remixes, play and write retro games I manage my retro-homepage at :


    If you are fan of remakes then also check out some of my remakes at :


    Best regards,
  • Hello and welcome to our community.:cheers:

    Feel free to post in english as much as you want. Most of us are able to help you as much as we can. I'm very happy to have the first users outside germany now and we're working hard to make this platform most user friendly, also for Non-Germans.;)
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.
  • Hello and welcome to our community. :)
    Es ist nicht wichtig, wie langsam du gehst, sofern du nicht stehen bleibst.

    Zitat von Konfuzius
  • Welcome to the board Tom-Cat. I love everything that is Retro Game related, I will check out those remakes. I would love to make some remakes of my own I just dont have the time right now.

    But I enjoy others remakes.
  • Original by PARALAX
    I'm very happy to have the first users outside germany

    frankly, that's not right :D

    Analog-X is our first user outside of germany and Tom-Cat is currently our latest user in a foreign country ;)

    but nevertheless i like to welcome also Tom-Cat to our community and of course to our radio.

    mfg (greets),
  • Originally posted by Mogli
    Analog-X is our first user outside of germany and Tom-Cat is currently our latest user in a foreign country ;)
    mfg (greets),

    Its a small world, thanks to the Internet :)
  • ...even if you can use it at parents like me with WLAN at the moment. :froh:
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.
  • Wer lesen kann ist besser dran:

    Das Board spricht Englisch

    Vielleicht klärt Dich das mal ein wenig auf.;)

    Und ehrlich gesagt: Ich bin sehr froh das es so ist. Und es wäre nett, wenn Du Dich ihnen gegenüber ein wenig freundlicher verhalten würdest.
    Ich bin der Musikant mit Taschenrechner in der Hand.